Refund Policy

Our refund policy (Money Back Guarantee) is valid for a period of 7 calendar days from the date of the purchase. If your original issue comes back, then we will try again to fix your issue at no additional charge. If we can’t fix your issue after our second attempt, then you are allowed to ask for a refund. If the period of 7 days has lapsed since the purchase, we can’t, unfortunately, offer you a refund.

Refund requirements

The following criteria must be met to qualify for a refund:

– The original issue that the customer contacted us for has returned.
– We can confirm that the issue still exists.
– We must have tried at least twice to fix the original issue. 

If the conditions listed above are not met, we reserve the right to not issue a refund. It’s important to keep in mind that reoccurring issues can have a wide range of possibilities and variables. External variables that did not exist during your first service may have contributed. It is also important to keep in mind that we have fair judgement here at Computer Support Heroes and we only want to provide the best service possible.

Contacting us

If you would like to contact us concerning any matter relating to this Refund Policy, you may do so via the contact form or send an email to

This document was last updated on May 30, 2020